Welcome to our exhibition of the year’s senior school artwork.

 How fantastic it is to see our students actively involving themselves in Westbourne’s dynamic art program - discovering their creativity and becoming authentic artists themselves.

Finding the inspiration and developing the skills needed to produce the wonderful work on display is not easy.

But we can see how each piece in the exhibition offers an insight into the unique perspective of its creator.

As educators, we know our young people aspire to be the best they can be – something that resonates with the deep culture of student empowerment and agency that characterises our school and is encapsulated in Westbourne’s integrated teaching, learning and wellbeing philosophy – Inspire. Please join me in a journey of discovery and immerse yourself in this brilliant world of creativity and imagination.

Congratulations to our students and their teachers.

Adrian Camm Principal

Thank you for visiting our 2023 Exhibition.

It is with great pleasure that we extend our congratulations to our students for their outstanding contributions to the exhibition. Their dedication is evident in the countless hours they have invested in researching, exploring and developing ideas. In embracing curiosity and creativity, students have not only developed their practical skills but have also unleashed their creative potential. They have been tireless in their exploration, taking risks and challenging boundaries to create innovative designs.

The study of art and design is not merely about the finished product. Instead, it represents an intricate process that engages the mind, the heart, and the imagination. Through the lens of the creative process, students developed skills to think critically, solve problems imaginatively, and express ideas uniquely. Through this exhibition, we are not just showcasing the culmination of their final artworks and designs, but also acknowledging the journey of exploration, experimentation, and discovery they have undertaken.

We invite you to explore the exhibition, and as you do, we ask you to join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our senior school art and design students.

Amanda Mitchell Director of Visual Arts